Technical and economic aspects of different types of materials in plumbing systems: comparative analysis between PEX and PVC
PVC, PEX, Cold water hydraulic building system, Plumbing systemsAbstract
ABSTRACT: This research highlights the search for new materials in the construction industry, aiming at improving processes and optimizing costs. The study analyzed the replacement of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) by Cross-linked Polyethylene (PEX) in the branches and sub-extensions of the cold-water hydraulic system of a residential building. The construction processes, design, hydraulic performance, costs and installation time between the two materials were compared. Both proved to be efficient and in compliance with technical standards. The results showed that the PVC presented higher water pressure in the pieces of use. In relation to the total cost of the building, the PEX proved to be 19.79% more economical, due to the lower cost of labor. Although PVC has a lower material cost, they require a longer lead time, resulting in a significant increase in labor. Therefore, it is concluded that the replacement of PVC by PEX is a viable option, providing savings and greater productivity.
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