Fatores determinantes na formação dos microclimas urbanos em função do uso e ocupação do solo
análise multivariada
Microclima Urbano, Simulação Computacional, Uso e Ocupação do SoloAbstract
Different levels of heat gain in the urban tissue are caused by the land use and occupation along with the choice of building materials. Unfortunately, little is known about the impact that each factor has on how the urban microclimate develops. The goal of this study is to determine which microclimatic factors in a tropical environment contribute most to the thermal field of industrial and residential regions. Through ENVI-met software, it was simulated the microclimatic interaction between the components of the urban tissue in a residential and industrial region. The outputs were then combined using the Principal Component Factor Analysis (PCA) and Clustering methods. Finally, the results showed that the Relative Humidity, Absolute Humidity, and Air Temperature are determinants in the formation of the microclimate in both areas. However, in residential areas (LCZ3), the Sky Vision Factor had a higher weight in the variance of the main components. In industrial zones (LCZ8), wind speed explained a significant percentage of the variance in the two main dimensions. Thus, in the tropical context, the variables presented different weights in the formation of the thermal field due to differences in the land use and occupation of the cities, prompting us to consider the adequacy of public policies and normative bases.
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