Evaluation of the use of anti-noise emulsion in floor systems in impact noise insulation in residential buildings located in Paulista-PE
Impact noise, Acoustic performance, Anti-noise emulsionAbstract
The impact noise in residential buildings has become the subject of an increasing number of studies due to its interference with the health and well-being of residents. In this regard, the objective of this study was to evaluate the use of anti-noise emulsion in floor systems for impact noise insulation in residential buildings located in the city of Paulista, Pernambuco, Brazil. To achieve this, acoustic tests were conducted on four floor systems in three buildings for the purpose of comparative analysis of the acoustic performance with and without the use of the anti-noise emulsion as a resilient material. As a result, it was found that the use of a layer of anti-noise emulsion on top of the solid concrete slab contributed, on average, to a reduction of 5 dB in the impact sound pressure level. It was also observed that using this same layer in a floor system composed of solid concrete slab, underlayment, and ceramic coating contributed, on average, to a reduction of 3 dB in the impact sound pressure level. Therefore, the use of resilient materials in residential buildings, such as the anti-noise emulsion, can be an effective strategy to provide better acoustic performance for floor systems.
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