Microclimate assessment of urban environments, in Recife/PE
Environmental comfort, Microclimates, Urban enclosuresAbstract
Rethinking cities, prioritizing sustainable practices, is one of the biggest challenges of new management and a guiding point for contemporary planning. These recent paradigms have a direct impact on the need for access to climate information and its applicability at the urban scale, thus contemplating urban and architectural planning that seeks bioclimatism. Conforming the city and its dynamics, the junction and disposition of climatic and anthropic factors contribute to the emergence of urban microclimates. For the research, information was collected in loco about the climatic variables and, from that, data of air temperature, wind speed and direction, relative humidity of the air in the neighborhood of Graças, in Recife, were measured and systematized, thus seeking to, relate the data obtained with the respective local specificities. Based on computer simulations carried out in the Envi-Met program, information was obtained about the behavior of climatic variables that underpin urban planning and outline guidelines in interventions, valuing spaces that improve the sense of well-being of its users with a view to comfort. Still in the simulations, for example, it was possible to emphasize the importance of using trees in public spaces, as well as the change of paving materials, from concrete to natural soil, in reducing the temperature of the environment.
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Sítio visitado: www.envi-met.com/
Sítio visitado: https://portal.inmet.gov.br/