BIM, MEP, BEP, ProcessAbstract
The use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) can provide several gains, including greater assertiveness in terms of compatibility between all the disciplines involved in the project, a more precise quantification of materials, in addition to enabling better use of the project in later phases such as: the budget, planning, execution, operations and post-maintenance. Despite these advantages, there are barriers in the implementation of BIM in facilities design offices and one of them is the lack of understanding regarding the use of this methodology in the elaboration of the MEP project. In the midst of this, the objective of this work is to indicate guidelines for the preparation of the MEP project in BIM. This work is based on the approach of constructive research that occurred through the following methodological procedures: the bibliographic review, the case study, the construction of the artifact and the elaboration of a guide with guidelines for the modeling process in hydrosanitary projects. The results indicated that it is possible to draw up guidelines for the offices of facilities that already work or aim to work like BIM. The research contributes to the dissemination of BIM and, especially, to the improvement of processes at the beginning of the building's useful life.
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