Budget for high standard houses
a comparative analysis between parametric, analytical budget and real cost of the work
Budget, Construction, Unit cost, Sinapi, CUBAbstract
The objective of this research was to carry out a comparative analysis between the costs of compositions and inputs from reference banks and the real costs of a high-end single-family residential project. The research method was divided into three stages: preparation of budgets, parametric, based on the CUB indicator, and analytical, based on the Sinapi and Orse composition banks; extraction of the real cost through daily expense monitoring reports; and analysis of the results based on the percentage deviations obtained from the comparison of unit and total costs. The results showed high percentage variations between budgeted and actual prices for inputs and services whose unit cost is closely linked to the finishing standard adopted in the work, ranging from 22,56% to 63,85% for inputs and from 39,52% to 79,46% for services. In contrast, inputs such as concrete and cement, which are independent of finishing, had low deviations, 1,81% and 1,87%, respectively. Therefore, it is concluded that the unit costs used in compositions of reference manuals, such as Sinapi and Orse, present good accuracy for materials and services that are not affected by the finishing standard. However, for services related to the coating stages, paintings and frames, it is necessary to quote a price with suppliers or use private composition banks.
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