Wage inequalities among Brazilian construction workers
Civil construction, Fair wage, WorkersAbstract
The construction industry is one of the leading sectors worldwide and has a significant impact on the global economy. Despite its positive contributions, it also faces numerous challenges, particularly concerning worker remuneration. The aim of this study was to identify wage distribution differences among construction workers across various Brazilian regions and understand their social conditions concerning the "fair wage" subcategory in the context of Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA). A literature review was conducted to identify themes related to worker wages integrating the S-LCA approach. Documents from 25 states and the Federal District were collected. It was observed that the southern and southeastern regions of the country have the highest wages, while the northern, northeastern, and midwestern regions have wages close to the minimum wage in effect during the study period. This information contributes to understanding social and economic inequalities and aids in formulating public policies aimed at reducing these disparities.
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