Typological characterization and urban integration quality of social housing in Brazil
Social Interest Housing, Urban integration, Sustainable DevelopmentAbstract
Affordable housing is an agenda for sustainable development, which makes social housing (HIS) an important means of providing shelter to economically vulnerable people. This work aims to analyze and characterize the set of social housing buildings for Brazil's lowest income bracket (Range 1), addressing aspects such as geographical distribution, housing typologies, and the proximity of these dwellings to essential services. The database of housing complexes in Bracket 1 provided by the National Housing Secretariat (SNH) of the Ministry of Cities was used. The database contains 17,881 housing complexes in 4,403 municipalities in Brazil, with complexes implemented from 2007 to February 2023. The characterization of the database shows that Rio Grande do Sul leads in the number of developments, while São Paulo has the largest number of housing units (HUs) built and that most of the HUs are houses. From a sample of addresses contained in the database, services for daily and occasional use, as well as public education and health facilities near the dwellings, were researched using the Google Maps Platform API, considering a walkable distance between the housing and the services as a criterion to qualify the urban integration of the housing complex. The evaluation of the urban integration of the sample revealed that only 23% of the developments meet all the minimum recommended distance levels for services and public facilities, according to the SNH criteria adapted for this study.
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