Urban and rural
approaches and concepts in Critical Urban Theory for sustainability
Urban space, Sustainable development., Critical Urban TheoryAbstract
This article presents the results of a bibliometric systematization, undertaken by scientific initiation, that allows us to advance in our understanding of the production of research on the subject in Espírito Santo state, Brazil. Based on the relevance of global urbanization to discussions on sustainability and climate adaptation, this article presents classifications and typologies from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) combined with the Critical Urban Theory, as formulated by Brenner (2018), to examine the relationship between rural and urban areas in contemporary times, which highlights the connections and interdependency between these two spaces, replacing the idea of dichotomy previously applied. This reflection adds to the need for more equitable and sustainable production of human settlements, considering both the classification responsible in Brazil for characterizing statistics on space, and critical reflections on promoting the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. The results made it possible to prioritize a wide range of documents, identifying, among other things, authors, countries and keywords that will help to refine the state of the art for the main research to which the Scientific Initiation is linked.
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