Value of residences implemented with resources from the minha casa minha vida program
Depreciation, Pathological manifestations, Program My House My LifeAbstract
The depreciation of real estate is the factor that reduces the economic value, due to some factor that influenced it. In real estate, it causes a loss of interest, demand, functionality and, consequently, value. One of the most impactful causes of property depreciation is the appearance of pathological manifestations. A program that is under constant analysis due to the early appearance of these problems are the residencies of the Minha Casa, Minha Vida Program, created by the Federal Government. In this sense, this work sought to determine the value of some buildings, financed by the aforementioned program, with the objective of identifying the impact of the problems encountered, in the loss of value of the properties. To achieve the objective of the work, the Direct Comparative Method of Market Data was used, which allowed the generation of a model for evaluating properties, with an initial sample of 335 residences. The depreciation of the properties was calculated, according to their age and condition, using the Ross-Heideck Method. With the analyzes and inspections, it was possible to observe the emergence mainly of fissures, cracks and infiltrations in the residences, which led to the loss of value of some buildings.
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