Comparative analysis of virtual reality software for architecture
Rendering Software.Virtual reality, Architectural projects, Comparative analysis.Abstract
Comparative analysis of rendering software focusing on (VR) virtual reality for application in architectural projects. The main objective is to distinguish which software is most suitable for the use of immersive and non-immersive VR technology. The methodology used includes renderings of a 3D model and the careful evaluation of 3 different software programs: Enscape, Lumion and V-ray. Presenting a detailed table of parameters that provides precise data on the performance of each software, covering aspects such as image quality, rendering time, among others. The results highlight the characteristics of each software, highlighting their capabilities and limitations, noting that Enscape software currently offers the best conditions for applying virtual reality technology in architectural projects. The contribution of the study lies in practical guidance for architectural students and professionals in choosing the appropriate software that promotes efficiency and quality in the visual production of 360° panoramas for the use of immersive and non-immersive VR, understanding that the use of technology assists in spatial perception facilitating understanding of the project.
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