Overview of construction and demolition waste in the city of Alagoinhas/Ba: bases for proposing differentiated management
Construction and Demolition Waste, Management, Inadequate RCD arrangement, Diagnosis of RCD managementAbstract
The problems arising from the generation of Construction and Demolition Waste (C&DW) have always been a concern for municipal management, due to the large annual volume generated and its subsequent disposal, which in most cases is inappropriate. Based on this, this work aimed to diagnose the current management of RCD in the municipality of Alagoinhas, in order to provide bases for proposing a different management. To this end, collection points, points of irregular deposition were identified, as well as the quantity and gravimetric composition of the material generated in the year 2023. The results showed that, in a way that is compatible with the size of the city, the amount of waste is considerable, the majority of which is class A, according to the classification of CONAMA Resolution No. 307/2002. There are also several points of irregular disposal, which requires special attention from the public authorities, given the problems associated with this inadequate disposal. Considering the panorama of RCD in the municipality of Alagoinhas-BA, rules have been proposed for the implementation of a differentiated RCD management in the municipality.
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