
  • Emanuela Carvalho Lobo Rezende Universidade Católica de Pernambuco
  • Angelo Just Costa e Silva Universidade Católica de Pernambuco



Mortar, Composite, Cellulose fiber, Deformability, Tenacity


the use of vegetable fibers and particularly cellulose fibers in cementitious composites have been studied throughout the world and in mortars, such fiber-matrix interaction allows to enhance certain properties inherent to the material. This article assesses the effect of incorporating cellulose fibers into mortars, focusing on the mechanical behavior and deformability of mortars. For the composites, experimental dosages of mixed mortar cement and lime were adopted in the proportion of 1: 1: 6 by weight with addition of fiber at 5% and 10% of the total mix weight, and a water / agglomerates rate fixed at 0,60. In the fresh state,
tests were carried out to measure the consistency and mass density, and in the hardened state, tests of resistance to compression and traction in flexion. The results showed that the addition of the fiber resulted in a reduction in tensile (21%) and compression strengths (up to 50%); however, in an antagonistic way, the addition of fiber provided a higher tenacity and deformability value of the composites, proven in the tension versus deformation curve. Thus, even supporting lower load bearing, the use of the cellulose fibers provides a greater bearing capacity to deformations required for the mortar, particularly in post crack stage, absorbing
more energy before rupture.


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How to Cite

REZENDE, Emanuela Carvalho Lobo; COSTA E SILVA, Angelo Just. ESTUDO DO EFEITO DO EMPREGO DE FIBRAS DE CELULOSE PARA A DEFORMABILIDADE DE ARGAMASSAS. In: NATIONAL MEETING OF BUILT ENVIRONMENT TECHNOLOGY, 18., 2020. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: ANTAC, 2020. p. 1–8. DOI: 10.46421/entac.v18i.700. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.

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