
  • G. A. P. Garcia Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • C. Bueno Universidade Federal de São Carlos




City information modelling, Urban sustainability, Urban planning


Given the prominence of the debate on the search for greater sustainability in the modes of operation in recent years, together with the importance that cities have played on a global scale in society and the economy, we choose to analyze how much this has influenced in the decision-making of the urban space, facing the insertion of the City Information Modeling (CIM), as a transposition to the city scale of the Building Information Modeling (BIM). From the literature review of the scientific sources and analysis of its application in urban planning, it was observed that the platform has the potential to connect and integrate several aspects of
urban reality, given its potential for collecting and storing information. In addition, the area still has room for growth and consolidation of the CIM platform. (master's in progress, beginning).


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How to Cite

GARCIA, G. A. P.; BUENO, C. A MODELAGEM DA INFORMAÇÃO DA CIDADE COMO FERRAMENTA DE MELHORIA DA SUSTENTABILIDADE URBANA. In: NATIONAL MEETING OF BUILT ENVIRONMENT TECHNOLOGY, 18., 2020. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: ANTAC, 2020. p. 1–8. DOI: 10.46421/entac.v18i.710. Disponível em: https://eventos.antac.org.br/index.php/entac/article/view/710. Acesso em: 26 sep. 2024.

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