Walkability, Active transport, DestinationsAbstract
Walking is an accessible and sustainable mean of transportation, which has the potential to enhance air quality and provide health benefits to city residents. Previous findings consistently suggest that utilitarian walking is related to availability and proximity to destinations, making their differentiation fundamental. Few studies address walkability in developing countries and small towns, especially when emphasizing destinations. This study aims to apply a categorization of destinations related to walking in the town of Rolândia-PR. Information was added to the Origin-Destination survey database and the category was formulated, applied to the geo-referenced destination points and related to the age of the respondents. A great number of trips were reported to destinations related to “Education” purposes, notably by children and their companions; the elderly and people with low education level had high travel rates in “Retail”, “Health” and mainly in “Recreation”. The railway and the highways were identified as important structuring elements in the spatialization of the destinations.
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