Green areas, ENVI-met 4.0, Hot and humid climate, Tree density, Urban comfortAbstract
In this work, the implementation of a proposal for a densely wooded area for the city of Macapá-AP was analyzed, using the computer simulation tool in the program ENVI-met version 4.0, analyzing the current urban space and the “hypothetical” urban space . When implementing the “hypothetical” implantation of green areas, the following results were found: the reduction of direct radiation with numbers above 675.25 W / m² at 9:00 am and values above 705.17 W / m² at 15: 00 hours; surface temperature reaching a reduction of 4.88 ° C at 9:00 am and 9,08 ° C at 3:00 pm; PMV in the morning was on the scale between “very hot” in the current situation and an interval between “neutral” and “slightly hot” in the proposed situation. In the afternoon there is a decrease in the scale of “very hot” in the current situation, positioning itself in an interval between “hot” and “very hot” in the proposed situation; And the PPD reduces by up to 30.63% the percentage of dissatisfied people in the morning, while in the afternoon it reaches reduction values above 90%. Thus, the importance and influence of green areas for the improvement of urban thermal comfort and qualification of urban space in hot Amazonian climate is highlighted.
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