Thermal Performance, Proinfância, DesignBuilder, Bioclimatic Zone 8Abstract
Thermal comfort in the school environment plays a fundamental role in the teaching-learning process. The necessary care in planning each building associated with the appropriate bioclimatic implantation to which it will be inserted, are some of the architectural strategies adopted for this purpose. Nevertheless, a common practice in Brazil, mainly in the construction of public schools, is the adoption of standardized projects for the entire national territory. Such practice facilitates time and fundraising, however, it is inadequate to meet the climatic specifications of each location. Therefore, the objective of this work was to analyze the thermal comfort indexes in a classroom belonging to the standard project of Proinfância Tipo B, implanted in two cities belonging to the same Bioclimatic Zone (ZB). The work methodology was subdivided in the characterization of the study object, computational simulation and determination of the thermal comfort indicators - ASHRAE 55/2017 adaptive comfort range and buoyancy diagram. The evaluation showed that, despite belonging to the same ZB, the results change. from one city to another. The discomfort index during the year in Belém was higher than in Vitória, regardless of the orientation of the school's implementation, showing the need for individualized construction guidelines for each region.
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