Thermal resistance, Thermal inertia, Thermal transmittance, Thermal capacity, Building material, Ceramic blocks, Ceramic bricksAbstract
With the Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 15.575, the civil construction sector started to observe closely all the components used in the construction of masonry. Therefore, the choice of this type of component must cover several performance criteria, among which thermal performance, when it is common to have doubts about which typology to adopt in the universe of different configurations and dimensions found in the national market. In this sense, although the thermal performance of the building is the result of the interaction of all the elements and components, the referred standard presents a simplified method that allows verifying if the external walls and the roof meet a “Minimum” performance standard. Based on this standard, this article was developed with the objective of characterizing the potential of different types of ceramic blocks found in the current market. For this, the thermal resistance, transmittance, and thermal capacity calculations of the block / brick component, of different types, were carried out, according to the Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 15.220-2 and summarized in a comparative table. It was concluded that two of the evaluated blocks meet the parameters of thermal transmittance and thermal capacity without the need for additional coating.
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