Social housing complexes, Coproduction, Technical assistance, Resilience, CommunityAbstract
In an attempt to solve part of the housing deficit problem in Brazil, the Brazilian government launched in 2009 the Minha Casa Minha Vida program. However, recent data show that despite this, the deficit continues to exist and is divided into two aspects: lack of housing and lack of quality, with problems of various kinds – physical, economic and socio-environmental. In order to analyze the adaptations made in the houses, identifying the resilience and adaptability, the article in question deals with a research and extension project linked to the project [RES_APO] – Method of analysis of the Resilience and Adaptability in social Housing Groups through Post Evaluation- Occupation and Co-production, being the first experience in Technical Assistance in Housing of Social Interest (ATHIS) of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism and Design of the Federal University of Uberlândia, sponsored by the Minas Gerais Architecture and Urbanism Council. It aims to encourage improvements in the housing in the Shopping Park neighborhood, through co-productions proposed for the community and the application of innovative methodology in ATHIS, as well as to disclose Federal Law 11.888/2008. This article will focus on the development, application and reapplication of participatory methodology in ATHIS and the results obtained by the Work Team-ATHIS.
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