Inundações urbanas, Infraestrutura verde e azul, Espaços livres multifuncionais, Manejo de águas pluviais urbanasAbstract
Environmental degradation in the process of construction of cities causes the occurrence of floods that directly impact the dynamics of the urban environment, stimulating studies of new systems that can enable flood mitigation. In this sense, this work promotes a deepening of the Blue and Green Infrastructure (BGI) systems, through the analysis and collection of information on the implementation capabilities of these resources, considering flood mitigation. To this end, its applicability in the urban environment is proposed, especially for areas with recurrent flooding scenarios, in which the Acari River Basin region, in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, stands out as a case study. Thus, by means of this methodology, we seek to reveal project guidelines, with the application of BGI systems, capable of contributing to flood mitigation in flood-prone regions and metropolitan regions.
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