Natural elements in public space and the promotion of restorative environments



restorative environments, natural elements, public spaces


Considered the place for meetings, coexistence and allowing the interaction of collective life, the public space is intended for society, in addition to being used as a space to promote health for the population. In this regard, a topic of great relevance are the so-called Restorative Environments, identified as places capable of reestablishing the psychophysiological capabilities of individuals, including stress reduction.
This work was developed based on Roger Ulrich's theory regarding Restorative Environments with the aim of exploring the theoretical basis of these studies and pointing out the importance of the composition of natural elements in public spaces as an alternative to improving the population's quality of life.
A bibliographical research was carried out with works that emphasize the effectiveness of environments composed of natural elements and the benefits of this composition for reducing stress in individuals. With this, it is possible to perceive some characteristics that can be inserted in public spaces so that they can provide a feeling of restoration in the urban environment.
In conclusion, the importance of this topic in creating healthier environments is observed, however, with the indication of further studies with other approaches and theories, still highlighting the importance of understanding the subjective characteristics of users for a better understanding of what can become restorative or not.

Author Biographies

José de Souza Gomes Júnior, Instituto Federal do Piauí - Campus Floriano

Mestrado em Dinâmica do Espaço Habitado pela Universidade Federal de Alagoas. Professor do Instituto Federal do Piauí - Campus Floriano (Floriano - PI. Brasil).

Gleice Virginia Medeiros de Azambuja Elali, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Doutorado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela Universidade de São Paulo.  Brasil. Professora Titular na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (Natal - RN. Brasil).


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How to Cite

Gomes Júnior, J. de S., & Elali, G. V. M. de A. (2023). Natural elements in public space and the promotion of restorative environments. ENCONTRO LATINO AMERICANO E EUROPEU SOBRE EDIFICAÇÕES E COMUNIDADES SUSTENTÁVEIS, 5. Retrieved from



Sistemas de Espaço Livre, arborização e clima urbano.

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