Masterplan em Guaratiba
Estudo de caso para elaboração de um projeto sustentável
Habitação social, Guaratiba, Legislação urbana, Projeto Urbano, Drenagem urbanaAbstract
The paper is dedicated to presenting the work developed during the integration between the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and Florida A&M University. Called “Global Studio Florida”, the discipline proposed the debate and challenge of the development of an urban project and urban planning in the neighborhood of Guaratiba, in the West Zone of the city of Rio de Janeiro. The studies were dedicated to answering Guaratiba's questions linked to the 17 WHO sustainable development goals. As others neighborhoods on the outskirts of Rio, Guaratiba has a rural past and recent occupation, being one of the few neighborhoods in the municipality dedicated to agriculture. However, with the urban expansion of the city, the neighborhood becomes targeted for occupation. Due to its geo-climatic issues, the neighborhood has swampy characteristics that must be taken into account in a possible urban occupation. Aiming to meet these demands, the project proposes guidelines for land use and organization legislation, in addition to an urban design that avoids mistakes made in past occupations in the city of Rio de Janeiro.
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