Sustainability, Centrality, Free spaces, IntegrationAbstract
Urban centers are responsible for the concentration of major economic activities, but with urban expansion, cities started to produce new centralities, in addition to the traditional urban center. The system of open spaces is fundamental for the performance of everyday life, the constitution of the urban landscape and its environmental aspects. Therefore, open spaces are essential in traditional or new central areas. From the identification of a new centrality in the city of Macaé, state of Rio de Janeiro, around Cavaleiros beach, and the observation of the problems presented by the local open spaces system, this work aimed to analyze this cut, understanding the new demands and potential, in order to promote better integration and qualification and contributing to the quality of the urban environment. The methodology completed three steps: bibliographical review on concepts of urban centrality and aspects that guide the sustainable quality of public free space; collecting data and information about the clipping; and use of the landscape reading method, through the elaboration of thematic maps and synthesis maps. This study allowed the identification of a new centrality and proposals for improvements aimed at contributing to the users' well-being and promoting integration and sustainability.
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