Microapartamentos, Ambientes Flexíveis, Dimensionamento Mínimo, Morar ContemporâneoAbstract
The reduction of the useful area of the residencial apartments all over the years has been a phenomenon identified in the real state market, in the project and in the construcion of this building type. This article is a result of a research performed in an interior design specialization course. This research intend to reflect and identify the features, the causes and the implications of this phenomenon based on both the real estate market and the user’s demands and expectations. Using case study methodology, it was choosen two residencial developments: the residential complex “VN Nova Higienópolis” of the constructor and incorporator Vitacon, with apartment of 10 m² of floor area, and the MOOV BRAS Station of the constructor and incorporator Gafisa, with 19 m² of floor area, both located in the city of São Paulo. The analysis considered characteristics such as square footage, minimum dimensions, among other aspects related to the profile of the residents and target audience of these residential developments in order to assess the user's expectations and needs. Therefore, the research was based on the following question: is the change of internal space of residential apartments associated only with the real state companies aim to increase the profit, or is it also associated with the transformation of the users routine and lifestyle, keeping as private only the areas for the basic necessities?