Arquitetura Escolar, Inteligências Múltiplas, Metodologias AtivasAbstract
This article presents the discussion about the school in the 21st century, given the impact of information and communication technologies. The research is based on the development of a doctoral thesis in architecture and urbanism, qualified at the end of the year 2018. The objective is to identify the new configurations of the school building, which will support the development of Multiple Intelligences (MI) through methodologies. In the methodology of research the research of digital and physical references was adopted, besides the study of cases to characterize the MI and the active methodologies. Thus, the different needs in the use of the school environment were identified and the projects of school buildings were evaluated, showing the new educational space scenario, publications of specialized magazines and visits in innovative schools. We conclude that a new configuration of the school environment, with a greater variety of learning environments, enhances the development of MI. Such environments should favor the most collaborative pedagogical practices in small learning communities, based on active methodologies. For this, the school building should be considered as a whole, from its access, to the environments for more specialized activities. Circulation spaces and eating places should also be incorporated as places of learning. New design guidelines for school buildings are needed for architects, managers and other agents involved in new educational building projects to provide environments for performance consistent with the emerging constraints on 21st century education.