The abstraction of “free forms” in the works of Oscar Niemeyer, Cândido Portinari and Roberto Burle Marx





Oscar Niemeyer, Cândido Portinari, Roberto Burle Marx, Free Forms


The work consists of an ongoing research project, in which a certain formal approximation between the productions of Oscar Niemeyer, Cândido Portinari and Roberto Burle Marx is investigated. The plastic approach investigated is the recurrent presence of “free forms”, which are planes with a sinuous outline. The work seeks to understand how such formal elements appear in the work of the three Brazilians, to identify similarities and peculiarities in the way they are used, as well as to locate the references of such forms in the international environment of Modern Art. It starts from the hypothesis that such elements originate from the European abstract art of the beginning of the 20th century (Kandinsky, Picasso, Matisse, etc.), more specifically the production of Jean Arp. The justification for presenting such work at this meeting is based on the understanding that formal quality is one of the factors that guarantee the sustainability of a project and its permanence over time. Now, plastic quality is not lacking in such works and achievements; it is what has even ensured its integration into the Brazilian cultural identity. This formal dimension is precisely what is discussed in this research.

Author Biography

Luis Eduardo dos Santos Borda, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Doutorado em Artes pela Universidade de São Paulo. Professor Titular do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (Uberlândia, SP, Brasil).


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How to Cite

Borda, L. E. dos S. (2023). The abstraction of “free forms” in the works of Oscar Niemeyer, Cândido Portinari and Roberto Burle Marx: LA ABSTRACCIÓN DE LAS “FORMAS LIBRES” EN LAS OBRAS DE OSCAR NIEMEYER, CÂNDIDO PORTINARI Y ROBERTO BURLE MARX. SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE QUALIDADE DE PROJETO DO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 8(1).