Students' proposal for BIM adoption in architectural drawing discipline
BIM, architecture teaching, didatics, digital technologiesAbstract
This paper presents a proposal built from the perspective of architecture's undergraduate course students at FAU UFRJ sharing the vision they have about the discipline of Architectural Drawing and the possibilities offered by BIM teaching this specific content. The proposal considered: the revision of alternatives presented in the ENEBIM’s proceedings; the discipline's syllabus that compose the curriculum of the faculty’s architecture course; the infrastructure; and the experience in classroom. The discipline of Architectural Drawing was chosen because it is considered one of those that could benefit from BIM. This empirical perception, associated with the practices identified in literature review, allowed the proposal that considers BIM adoption as a didactic strategy. It is understood that the teaching of architecture drawing can benefit from BIM adoption based on activities that associate different information and representation systems. As a new curriculum is being implemented, the proposal can easily be included in classroom practices, as it combines strategies already adopted with a new approach using BIM, in line with the changes in the new curriculum.
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