Student housing of the cerrado (MUC) and sustainability criteria according to Azul Seal certification




Sustainable construction, Sustainability, Blue seal certification


ABSTRACT: The intention of a more sustainable construction industry is reflected in the adoption of behaviors such as minimizing the consumption of raw materials, optimizing natural resources and the use of new and diverse construction technologies that can reduce the environmental impacts generated in the production of buildings. The University House of Cerrado (MUC), a student house belonging to the Federal University of Catalão, was built to meet several criteria, in order to ensure sustainability from the design phase to the post-occupancy of the building. Aiming to measure sustainable construction practices, Caixa Econômica Federal launched the Casa Azul + CAIXA Seal program, establishing criteria and verifying the gradation in four levels (bronze, silver, blue and diamond). In view of the above, the present work aims to verify, if it were possible to certify public works in the program, in which grade the MUC fits, according to the criteria established by the Seal. The study aims to demonstrate the benefits of this type of construction and the awareness of the academic community regarding this aspect. After analyzing the parameters established by the program, the Silver Seal was awarded for the construction, with the possibility of a Gold grading, if new activities are implemented after the occupation of the building.


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How to Cite

DE ANDRADE BENTO, Luciana; RIGLEY CÉSAR MATIAS GONÇALVES, Rigley; SALOMÃO RAEL DE MORAIS, Lucas; MARTINS DE PAULA, Heber. Student housing of the cerrado (MUC) and sustainability criteria according to Azul Seal certification. In: SIMPÓSIO NACIONAL DE SISTEMAS PREDIAIS, 2., 2021. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: ANTAC, 2021. DOI: 10.46421/sispred.v2i.1224. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.

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