Linear drain trap analysis: a comparative between national and international practices
Trench drain, Siphon, NBR 8160Abstract
ABSTRACT: This study aims to evaluate linear drain traps produced in Brazil based on national and international practices. In the context of linear drains, the quality of traps is even more relevant because the component often receives high flow discharges from sanitary appliances. The study has four steeps: 1) survey of international technical standards; 2) identification of traps suggested by Brazilian suppliers; 3) testing of linear drain traps available in Brazil; 4) presentation of national best practices. The results indicate that foreign regulations prefer “P” traps with diameter of 50 mm for trench drain. However, Brazilian suppliers recommended the use of “siphoned boxes” or trap not adequate to NBR 8160 (ABNT, 1999). In the experimental test, only “P” trap (DN 50 mm) had self-scouring capacity. The NBR 8160 (ABNT, 1999) update may include a characterization detailed of the performance required for traps, especially when used in linear drains.
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