Comparing two methods for estimating the indoor air temperature of an unoccupied apartment in a semi-arid climate
Estimation of indoor air temperatures, Simple linear regression, Passive buildingsAbstract
This article reports the first stage of a broader research aimed at evaluating the impact of occupancy on the internal temperature of a housing unit. In this step, the objective was to choose one of two methods for estimating the values of the internal temperature when the housing unit was unoccupied. For this, the values of the internal and external temperature were monitored for a period of 89 days. From the measured data, the two methods for estimating the internal air temperature were calibrated and adjusted for estimates for the periods in which the unit was unoccupied. Then, the values of the internal air temperature estimated through the two methods were compared with the values of the measured temperature. The results showed that, although the two methods have shown good results, the second method provided more accurate estimates when considering the months of greatest interest for the research, January and February.
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