Avaliação do comportamento térmico de materiais empregados em projeto de requalificação viária na cidade de Fortaleza
thermal comfort, urban heat islands, porous concreteAbstract
The recent urban projects in the city of Fortaleza/CE focused in the urban vulnerabilities mitigation. This paper has as the objective to infer the thermal behavior of the materials used in the road (interlocking concrete blocks), sidewalks (porous concrete), and street furniture (wood) of a city redevelopment to highlight the impacts of their applications on the urban environment. The meteorological conditions and surface temperatures were measured over a daily cycle (9 AM to 7 PM) during the dry season. The results show that there is differentiation in the thermal behavior as a function of the thermophysical characteristics of the materials, as well as solar exposure. The surface temperature of all the materials analyzed in this work remained 68 to 80% higher than the air temperature during the analyzed period. During the period of greater solar incidence, the surface temperature of the interlocked sidewalk of the road was lower than the porous concrete of the sidewalk. However, when shaded, the sidewalk had a lower temperature than the other surfaces, which indicates that this material allows rapid heat dissipation. It highlights the shading importance for more effective cooling of materials used in construction. We conclude that porous materials can be effective in mitigating urban heat islands formation, provided that shading strategies appropriate, to the local climate, are adopted.
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