Mudanças climáticas e planos diretores em cidades de pequeno porte
possibilidades e desafios para o enfrentamento da crise climática na escala local
mudança climática, planejamento urbano, Plano Diretor de ItatiaiuçuAbstract
Faced with climate change and its consequences in cities, urban planning is an instrument of environmental protection and municipal adequacy to face the impacts of climate change. In this sense, this paper presents the case study of the Master Plan of Itatiaiuçu (MG), aiming to observe how this Plan addresses environmental guidelines is appropriate and directed to climate issues. In order to achieve this purpose, the methodology used consisted in the qualitative analysis of the Master Plan of the municipality, considering for these points of legislation linked to direct actions of adaptation and mitigation, through Public Policies and Urban Instruments provided for in the Statute of Cities. The Instruments were analyzed from the perspective of the Technical Guide prepared by PROCEL “Edifica” and in turn, the Public Policies presented were analyzed from their correlation to the SDGs 2,6,9,11 and 13 and themes related to sustainable urban planning. The results indicate that there is a concern with the theme, such as territorial delimitation in order to control and maintain the natural environment, as well as guidelines for the sustainable use of soil and the conservation of environmental resources. It is concluded, therefore, that the Master Plan of Itatiaiuçu has in its text Instruments and Policies capable of articulating actions against but there are gaps that should be filled by the elaboration and development of a Plan specifically focused on detailed and delimited actions in the municipal space, since the Master Plan had the role of directing the development of different Plans and Programs.
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