Construction Operations Building information exchange (COBie) is an Open BIM non-proprietary platform for the exchange of data about the lifecycle of buildings, needed by the Facility Managers. For this exchange, it is essential to enter information into the BIM model. The subject is little researched in Brazil and worldwide. The study aimed at investigating how such data specification patterns can meet the requirements of a real case study. Different methods were applied. A literature search conducted systematically on COBie and BIM for Facilities Management showed the knowledge gap on the subject. The model as built in BIM of the CRAS of Biguaçu/SC city was studied. Results show the practicality of the method and the importance of the assignment of the information in the BIM model. Through the COBie worksheets, the coherence between the information contained in the model with the output information could be verified, as well as the importance of the software configuration for the application of the method. This research contributes to the knowledge gap, and innovates, as it was the first in which IFC was exported through GRAPHISOFT ARCHICAD 22.
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