BIM, IoT, Prefabricated systemsAbstract
In civil construction, mainly in the prefabricated industry, some practices generate uncertainties and delays in the development of works, this is usually due to the interdependencies between the stages of manufacture, transportation, and assembly. Studies have shown that the integration of Construction Information Modeling (BIM), Internet of Things (IoT), and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technologies have brought improvements in the construction and operational stages. This work presents a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) intending to know the work developed and identify gaps in knowledge, based on the relationship between the needs of prefabricated concrete systems, the integration of the technologies mentioned, and the identification of technical requirements. It was found that the integration of BIM, IoT, and RFID in buildings with prefabricated concrete elements still needs advances in practical and theoretical perspectives, showing that themes focused on detailing production and transportation routines, process safety, analysis, and maintenance, have not been explored.
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