Sporosarcina pasteurii, Biomineralization, Precipitation of calcium carbonateAbstract
Recent research seeks to deepen the knowledge and technique of producing materials through the use of bacteria present in nature, mainly in the soil, a technique known as biocimentation. This study aims to produce a bio-mortar, without the use of Portland cement, using the bacteria Sporosarcina pasteurii (CCT 0538 ATCC 11859), which has good calcium carbonate precipitation capacity. These microorganisms when grown with adequate nutrients and under controlled temperature conditions produce a material known as biocement, which has characteristics found in Portland cement. A biomass was made containing spores of the bacterium and organic matter of vetch, which was revitalized to make specimens using pozzolanic materials as binding agents. Mechanical tensile and compression strengths were tested at 28 days. The results showed that there was an increase in resistance using the microorganisms, especially the metakaolin. Subsequent studies will be carried out to prove the effectiveness in the precipitation of calcium carbonate by microorganisms.
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