The effect of glass spectral distribution on user alertness measured in a naturally lit climate chamber
Daylighting, Spectral distribution, Glasses, Alertness, Climatic chamberAbstract
The state of the art in lighting research encourages the characterization of the built environment effects on users from the perspective of circadian lighting. Therefore, the objective of this work is to investigate the effect of glasses with different spectral distribution on the alertness of individuals through a concentrated visual attention test. To this end, a cross-sectional study was conducted in controlled exposure sessions in a daylit climate chamber. Forty-eight volunteers exposed to three types of glass participated in pairs, totaling seventy-two sessions. Alertness was measured by the d2-R attention test. The results were statistically analyzed considering the user's view, the sky type and the exposure time. At a significance of 5%, the hypothesis that the type of view (the window or the wall) did not impact the volunteers' test performance was accepted. However, the sky type, as well as the glass replacement, affected their performance. Finally, there was a difference in performance between the morning and afternoon groups. It was concluded that the luminous characteristics of the light source (sky and glass) and the period of the circadian cycle can affect the user's alertness.
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