Use of Assistive Technology elements on an accessible urban route:
accessibility and inclusion for PWD and RM in the city.
Assistive technology, Accessible route, Accessibility, Inclusion, Person with a disabilityAbstract
Brazil is ahead of many developing countries in terms of laws that guarantee basic human rights to people with disabilities (PWD), who currently represent 8.9% of the population (IBGE, 2022). The use of assistive technology (AT) in urban accessible route projects is crucial to ensuring the inclusion of PWD in the socioeconomic and cultural life of cities. This work is part of a larger project, ongoing research towards the construction of a doctoral thesis. The objective of this article is to indicate AT elements that can be part of urban accessible routes present in the municipal urban planning of the city of Maceió – AL. The research is the result of a bibliographical review on the subject and presents the most recent data on AT collected in addition to producing an analytical comparison between the most recent versions of Brazilian Standards (NBR 9050/2020 and NBR 16537/2024) that deal with elements of TA within the category “Architectural projects for accessibility”. Finally, it presents examples (correct or not), through images, of the use of these elements in urban areas considered accessible by public authorities.
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