Analysis of sanitation projects: A case study on the application of value stream mapping
Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Infrastructure, Lean Production, ManagementAbstract
On a global scale, the sanitation sector is associated with health and regional development, and studies in this area are considered of great relevance, as they directly impact the quality of life of a country’s population. In this regard, this work focuses on the analysis of the value stream of infrastructure projects in Brazil, conducted within a large sanitation operator. The study aimed to identify inefficiencies and propose improvements in the process flow related to the implementation of Water and Sewage Systems (stages of design, contracting, and construction). Lean production concepts and principles were used as the conceptual basis, and Value Stream Mapping was employed as the analysis tool. The research adopted the case study method and occurred in three distinct phases: research definition, project development, and final analysis of the results. As a result of applying the current VSM, it was found that the construction phase accounted for 78% of l the total recorded time, while only 5% of the total time was dedicated to project development and supervision. Of the total time in the analyzed projects, it was observed that only 68% of that time involved the execution of activities. Additionally, there was a variation of 555 days between the average duration and the average time of activity execution. In the future VSM, several improvements were proposed, such as: reducing the number of interactions with activities, decreasing the duration, and minimizing the time spent on activity execution. Finally, it was concluded that the use of the VSM tool contributed to a broad visualization of the flow, enabling the identification of the main time inefficiencies in the information flow.
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