Comfort, Thermal performance, Mortar, Expanded clay, VermiculiteAbstract
Given the concern with the quality of life of users in contemporary buildings, especially regarding their comfort, this study aimed to perform the thermal evaluation of the performance of two porous materials when incorporated into mortars: expanded clay and vermiculite, also in its expanded state. The addition of these materials, considerin their physicochemical characteristics, intends for the best thermal performance of the environments, essentially in the reduction of their internal temperature. With the help of a prototype built for this type of test, it is possible to verify satisfactory results after the application of both materials when compared to mortar samples without additives, presenting average thermal reductions of 5.89 °C in the case of expanded clay, and 8.29
°C in tests with vermiculite, while control samples exposed a temperature reduction of 4.72 °C. It is important to note that the three different results meet the internal/external temperature difference parameters found in NBR 15575/2013, however, it is worth noting the user's comfort in different situations, so that the building can present a good post- occupational performance, cost reduction and a positive impact on the environment.
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