Public Open Spaces,, Pandemic, Public facilitiesAbstract
Public open spaces (POS) play a fundamental role in the dynamics of the cities, being places that promote socialization, host the practice of physical activities and are references in the search for quality of life. Currently, with the global pandemic outbreak, POS have gained emphasis in the general context of cities. Such spaces have been used to the maintaining of health by the population, who are prohibited to attend closed places such as gyms. In this context, the importance of the local POS infrastructure is emphasized as a way to promote a safe and conscious use by users. This research aims to determine whether the public spaces in Juiz de Fora have infrastructure elements capable of promoting their use in a hygienic and safe way regarding the contamination
by the virus that causes COVID-19. For this, an analysis was carried out on the equipment and furniture of the squares in the city of Juiz de Fora, with a view of maintaining hygiene and the possible crowding of people. Results indicate that a small number of POS have adequate infrastructure for their safe use and that management measures have not yet been taken to improve the use of those areas.
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