free spaces, squares, mapping, Socio-spacial distribuitionAbstract
The open public spaces there are a important role in cities because contribute to urban vitality, the improvement of the microclimate, socio-cultural enrichment, socializing and the exchange of experiences. However, population density and changes in land use result in a lack of public spaces for social practices. In this sense, the article presents a comparative and reflective analysis of the socio-spatial distribution and attendance of the squares in the municipality of Vila Velha-ES, with the Grande Centro, Grande Ibes and Grande Aribiri regions. The analyzes aim to verify if these spaces prioritize specific parts of the urban territory. It is an applied study, with a quantitative and qualitative approach, defined in three methodological steps: Contextualization; Identification and Mapping; and Comparative analysis. The results show the non-homogeneous distribution of the squares in the regions. While upper income and low density neighborhoods have up to 4 squares, others with lower income and higher densities don´t have public spaces. This research is expected to influence future interventions in order to qualify the urban space of Vila Velha. (Scientific Initiation-middle)
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