Energy efficiency, Reverberation time, Container theater, SimulationAbstract
This work’s objective was to evaluate the thermoacoustic performance of a theater designed with containers by OCAS-UEL for Funcart/Londrina, proposing efficient and economically viable changes for its subsequent execution. The reverberation time, the loss of sound transmission, RTQ-C prerequisites and the energy consumption of the HVAC system, simulated using the EnergyPlus software, were analysed. As a result of the analysis, both the reverberation time and loss of sound transmission provided by the envelope were not acceptable for the mixed use space, , the thermal transmittance of the theater's roof and walls were above the upper limit for an A energy efficiency classification, while solar absorptances were considered appropriate for it. The suitability proposal modified the theater's internal lining materials and closure components, providing an acoustic adequate and energy efficient solution.
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