RTQ-R, Energy efficiency, Envelope, Bioclimatic zone 2, Thermal comfortAbstract
Much of the environmental impact is related to energy consumption, and in Brazil, the residential sector is largely responsible. An important factor in the consumption increase in the sector is the fact that the buildings are not adapted to the local climate, generally requiring the use of artificial equipment to improve thermal comfort. as the project determines energy consumption since construction, improving the thermal performance of the envelope is considered one of the main strategies to ensure greater energy efficiency, as it interacts directly with environmental variables. In this work, the RTQ-R was used to assess the level of energy efficiency of a residential building in the bioclimatic zone 2, analyzing the performance of the envelope and the thermal comfort per environment, together with climatic considerations. The climate analyzes showed a recurrent discomfort due to cold and humidity, considerably greater than that of heat, for most of the year. From this, some suitable bioclimatic strategies were identified and small changes were made to the project to, in addition to increasing energy efficiency, improving thermal comfort by room.
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