Photovoltaic generation, Distributed generation, Building integrated photovoltaicsAbstract
The distributed photovoltaic generation in Brazil complements hydroelectric generation, takes advantage of high levels of solar irradiation and reduces losses in transmission and distribution, allowing generating energy at the point of consumption. Roofs maximize photovoltaic generation, but high rise buildings present a limited area for a greater number of floors. Façade are lower efficiencies and more susceptible to shading, owing urban indexes, which are more impacting on buildings on the same block. Chapecó-SC is an example of the densification and verticalization of central urban areas with successive increases in building codes in the last decade. The objective is to analyze the impact of the maximum urban indexes in the city in a lot in the central urban area in the photovoltaic generation of the façade. Simulations are carried out with EnergyPlus 8.7, monthly module generation on the North, East and West façades. The location within the lot affected photovoltaic generation from 2918 to 1254 kWh/m²/year. In the months more shading, the modules installed on lower floors contributed to approximately half of total generation of the facades. However, photovoltaic modules should be installed on all floors and azimuth guidelines must favor solar incidacion in allotments.
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