Quality, Standard, Hierarchy, Architecture, TranscendenceAbstract
Standard design can be considered impersonal if it is purely a graphical representation of design intent for a particular function. However, without the characterization of a target public, even with a lack of sociocultural information, which will depend on each region, generic and impersonal standardization can go beyond the limits of humanization and be a tool for creating spaces that do not dialogue with its users and also reinforce issues related to spatial hierarchy, insecurity and lack of privacy. Through an explanatory case study, analysis of design graphic pieces and literature review, we seek relationships between themes on the functional quality of space and the definitions adopted in standard architectural design. For this article, the standard architectural design of the Casa da Mulher Brasileira (public institution for centralized care for women in situations of violence) was adopted as the object of study. Some problems caused by spatial disorganization and cross-flows were identified and, based on the arguments presented, it is intended to provoke reflection on the importance of valuing the subject when defining needs programs and project sectorizations to avoid damage to the appropriation of space: primordial factor to trust and transcendence.
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