Neuroscience, Rehabilitation of public building, Humanization, CuritibaAbstract
This study presents the transformation of a public building, the current Oscar Niemeyer Museum in Curitiba, from 1978 until today. The analysis is positioned in the transdisciplinary field between architecture and neuroscience, within a psycho-geographic and humanizing approach. Until 2001, bureaucratic activities operated in this building, and it could be read as a place of boredom, when it was transformed, and the building rehabilitated in its use became a significant urban landmark. Today, the place involves and attracts people who are in its midst and close surroundings and is welcomed by the community. The case study confirms the reversal possibility, allowing a work forgotten by society to be incorporated by it. It is understood that this investigation can stimulate the project beyond new constructions, but also to value the rehabilitation of buildings already built, where they are sometimes problematic for the city. The results of the analysis indicate that such rehabilitations should be directed towards a holistic, critical, and humanizing perspective such as quality strategies linked to the logic of sustainable urbanization.
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