Pathology analysis in fire sprinkler system using copper pipes
Fire sprinkler system, Sprinkler, Pathology, leakAbstract
ABSTRACT: Early corrosion in copper pipes in sprinklers systems verified in Sesc buildings and reported in several studies carried out in recent years, motivated the development of this research. In this context, the aim of this paper is to analyse the causes of leaks in a sprinkler system made with copper pipes even before the system starts operating. The methodology used was the document analysis of the automatic sprinkler system and the analysis of the pathology through laboratory tests. The results indicate that the possible cause of corrosion in the copper piping was the use of non-water-soluble soldering paste during the assembly services of the system's piping. The excess of welding flux found on the inner surface of the pipes was determinant for the occurrence of pitting corrosion from the inner surfaces of the pipes. Thus, one of the measures that could have avoided this type of corrosion would be the training of the workforce for the proper execution of the pipe welding process.
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