Application of concurrent engineering as a schedule optimization strategy for project development
Simultaneous Engineering, Project Management, Integrated ProcessesAbstract
ABSTRACT: This paper aims to investigate the time reduction and quality improvements in the development of physical infrastructure projects for tomograph installation, using the concurrent engineering methodology in comparison to the traditional approach. The study examines the application of this methodology as a strategy to optimize the project development schedule, with a particular emphasis on the integration and parallelism among building systems. The methodology employed involved comparing the project duration for the installation of a tomograph at the University Hospital of the Federal University of Maranhão (HU-UFMA) with that of 13 other institutions belonging to the same organization.The case study addresses the necessary adaptations and adjustments in the infrastructure to accommodate the tomograph equipment at the aforementioned hospital. The advantages of concurrent engineering and its potential implementation to expedite the project development process and enhance the quality of deliverables, focusing on time and cost reduction, were presented. Upon analysis, the results demonstrate that the adoption of concurrent engineering was crucial in ensuring the timely execution of the executive projects' schedule. This strategic approach facilitated effective integration and collaboration among different disciplines and teams involved, resulting in a more efficient and synchronized execution compared to the other institutions within the organization.
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