Evaluation of pedestrian routes: proposal of an index based on the interactions between walkability and environmental comfort
proposta de um índice a partir das inter-relações entre caminhabilidade e conforto ambiental
walkability, environmental comfort, pedestrians, GISAbstract
This study seeks to explore walkability in pedestrian routes and its relationship with environmental comfort, proposing a more systematized approach for its application in the strategic planning of cities. We proposed, therefore, the construction of a Pedestrian Walkability and Comfort Index (ICCP) composed of three partial indices that take into account thermal, acoustic, and ergonomic aspects of pedestrian paths. The methodology used is based on the use of street visualization tools and GIS tools to spatialize and systematize the interactions between walkability and environmental comfort. The research concludes that ICCP is a valid tool for measuring walkability at meso and micro scales.
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