Photography as a historical source of research: a study on the transformations of the urban landscape of Farrapos neighborhoods in Porto Alegre/RS
um estudo sobre as transformações da paisagem urbana do Bairro Farrapos em Porto Alegre/RS
Fotografia, Fonte histórica, Paisagem urbanaAbstract
This article aims to propose a discussion about the potential and delimitations of photographic images as historical sources for the registration of transformations in the urban landscape, specifically, in the Farrapos neighbourhood, located in the of Porto Alegre city. The empirical study involved the collection and analysis of photographic records of different moments in the neighborhood: the moment before (2001), delivery (2002) and after the implementation of the Integrated Program Entrance to the City – PIEC in Portuguese (2015). Among the main contributions of this research is the identification of the potential of photographic records as historical sources for the record of significant transformations in the urban landscape of the Farrapos District.
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